'Colourful Life reflects the creative and cultural life of Ian Wright, Keaykolour Paper’s Artistic Ambassador – spanning five decades of contemporary youth and street culture, music, fashion, film and style with a visual aesthetic that celebrates, comments and contradicts. Here is a creative collaboration between Wright, design agency Blast and Arjowiggins Creative Papers born of a desire to explore, experiment and innovate.
In this exhibition Wright creates a series of inspirational artworks from cut, torn, folded and sculpted paper which turns visceral attitudes into visual aesthetics. A visual feast for graphic designers, illustrators and followers of Ian Wright'.
This exhibition as part of the London Design Festival, showcased a variety of Wrights work, for me the most interesting were the large scale 'collages' based on music culture that has influenced him throughout his life. The pieces themselves included a play on the 'record' sleeve made from torn printed paper. The Exhibition itself was simply curated with four large pieces of work in the temporary gallery space. Having know of his work, it was interesting to see some of it up front, especially at this scale.